Welcome to Mrs. Gallagher's class!
SBS Teachers make every effort to check email as their schedule allows, but may not be able to respond until after the school day. Mrs. Gallagher can be reached at [email protected].
During the school day, you may call the school office at 610-789-7676 ext. 202 and leave a message for the teacher and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
If you are sending a note in with your child, please make sure your child knows to hand it to the teacher upon arrival so that it is received in a timely manner.
If your child will be absent, please call the school before 8:30 a.m. at 610-789-7676 ext. 202 and leave a message or email Mrs. Booth in the school office at [email protected] with your child’s name, grade, and reason for absence and refer to the school Absence Policy for further information.
Upon returning to school please send a note to the teacher with the date(s) and reason for your child's absence.
Monday- Computers
Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Art and STREAM
A Homeroom Representative will be reaching out to you to coordinate events on behalf of the classroom teacher and Home & School Association as needed throughout the school year. The Representative this year is: