Rising 5th-grade students must complete the ELA Summer Work included in this packet.
This work will be collected during the first week of the 2023-2024 school year!
The book that all rising 5th-grade students are required to read is Rules by Cynthia Lord.
There are two activities that must be completed within this packet as well as a reading log.
Scoring breakdown:
Activity 1: Jason’s Communication Cards - make 12 communication cards for Jason using the 12 words provided.
You may either fill in the worksheet (pg. 3) in this packet or make them on our own! The words are:
Activity 2: Venn Diagram Comparison - choose one of the following topics based on the book Rules by Cynthia Lord
and compare and contrast them using a Venn Diagram (pg. 4)! The possible topics are:
Reading Log - As you finish books over the summer, log them on yo reading log (pg. 5). The reading log oes not
need to be completely filled to receive full credit, but it does need to be signed! 10 points based on completion
and age appropriate books!
Please complete the packet you received in June. The packet is due on the first day of school. This assignment will be graded. Make sure to show all work for credit. (If you cannot locate your packet, there is a copy you can print out below.)
This will all be due on the first day of school.