Grades 4-8 receive grades for art. Grading policies are reviewed in the beginning of the year and reinforced throughout the year.
Each major project receives a grade. Project grades are based on four criteria:
Generally, classes complete 3-4 graded projects each marking period. Students are reminded to turn in their work when finished so that a grade can be given. It is difficult to assign a grade without the project! When work is incomplete, there may be catch-up days during class or students may see me to discuss time to work outside of class.
Students also receive a participation grade each marking period. This grade is euivalent in weight to one project grade and is based on their overall attitude, participation, behavior in class. This grade should be an opportunity for some students to raise their overall grade.
Students who miss out on a graded art project because they have missed class may not be able to make up the same project due to class time and materials constraints. I may give those students an alternate assignment which can be completed at home. The purpose of the alternate assignment is to give the student a chance to earn a grade and to learn something meaningful about art.