Dear parents,
We use Google Classroom in Middle School for assignments, projects, announcements, and study guides. With this tool, students can access class materials both at home and in the classroom. Your child should have their St. Bernadette School email and password, as they use it every day at school. If for any reason, they are not aware of their login details, they can approach their teacher for assistance.
In my classes, I use Google Classroom for in-class activities and at-home study guides. Every week, I post an update detailing the tests scheduled for that week, along with any necessary resources or links to help study for those particular tests. I also review these resources every week with the students to ensure that they are adequately prepared and studying every night.
To access Google Classroom at home:
1. Visit and click on 'sign into classroom'
2. Enter your child's St. Bernadette School email and password.
3. Click on the classroom you want to view!
If you have any questions about the Google Classroom pages run by me at 5 ELA, 5 Social Studies, 6 ELA, and 6 Social Studies, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected].
Thank you.