The school is regularly inspected for compliance with fire safety and health regulations. It is also free of hazard of friable asbestos in the areas where students and faculty work.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are required by law and are an important safety precaution. It is essential that when the alarm is sounded everyone (including parent volunteers) obeys promptly and clears the building as quickly as possible by the prescribed route. Absolute silence must be observed during the drill. Fire drills are conducted on a frequent basis.
Lockdown Drills
All external doors and classroom doors are locked for protection. Lockdown drills are practiced several times a year. One of those times will be an unannounced drill conducted by the Upper Darby Township Police Department.
Advisory Board
The St. Bernadette School Advisory Board, which is comprised of the pastor, principal,a faculty representative, and current parents, alumni and parishioners, focuses on fundraising to cover infrastructure costs of St. Bernadette School and growing enrollment.
Home & School Association
St. Bernadette School has an active parent’s organization. All parents are members and pay an annual membership fee. The board, composed of officers and members, governs the organization. The Home and School Association works to help the school under the direction of the Pastor and Principal in offering an enriched and effective educational program for all students. Everyone’s participation is a prerequisite for success.
The Association follows the guidelines of the Archdiocesan Home and School Association via elections(when necessary) and by-laws. They support the school through various fundraisers.
Volunteers are valuable assets of a school program. The assistance of parent volunteers is greatly appreciated and encouraged. A volunteer should enjoy working with children and relate well with people. In respecting the rights of children and their parents, confidentiality is essential on the part of any volunteer. Any disciplinary action involving students will be handled by teachers or the administrator.
Volunteer Requirements
In the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, all volunteers who function in activities in which children are present are required to comply with all clearances set forth by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.