Students have the opportunity to participate in various extra activities if they meet the academic and behavioral criteria.
Altar Servers(grades 4-8)
Students in grades 6 through 8 have an opportunity to grow in their faith and become more active in the Mass by serving as Altar Servers. Training to become a server may begin in the spring of 5thgrade. Altar servers serve at both weekday and weekend masses, as well as special liturgical celebrations. For further information please contact the Parish Rectory at (610) 789-7676, ext. 101
Band/Orchestra (grades 3-8)
Students in grades 3 through 8 learn how to play an instrument during the school day. Third grade instruction begins with the string instruments, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass or Bass. Starting in fourth grade, students may also learn how to play Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone, Drums, Bells, Oboe and the string instruments. The Band/Orchestra meets for group lessons, separated by instrument/ability once a week during the school day, and a rehearsal during lunch recess for the Beginning Instruments, and before school for the Advanced Students. The students learn how to read music as well as play their instrument. The ensembles perform two concerts a year, a Winter and Spring concert. The Advanced Instrumental Students may audition for the Archdiocese Music Honor Band and the Northeastern Music Honor Band. The Advanced Band and Advanced Violins also perform at the National Catholic Band Association Festival held at Villanova University in the spring. Instruction is provided by Northeastern Music Programs.
Bernie’s Buddies (Grade 7)
Bernie’s Buddies is a volunteer safety program offered to students in 7th grade. Students have many responsibilities throughout the school including assisting with PreSchool lunch, escorting the bus and CARES students at dismissal, and overseeing special projects. The Buddies may also be called upon to assist teachers and the principal as needed.
Middle School Choir (Grades 4-8)
This group is open to all students in grades 4 - 8. The students do not need to have prior experience and new members are especially welcome! The group’s rehearsals will allow for a more in depth learning experience that will focus on healthy singing technique, sight singing and singing music in 2 and 3 parts. The choir will perform at monthly school masses and school concerts.
CYO Sports (see CYO website:
St. Bernadette CYO Sports is one component of our parish's comprehensive youth ministry program which enables the partnership of parents, coaches, priests, religious, teachers, and adult leaders to manage and support a sports program that allows our youth to grow in their relationship with God and come to better understand themselves and the Catholic Faith. We offer a variety of sports programs to our parish youth which include field hockey, volleyball, soccer, football, flag football, cross country track, basketball, baseball, softball and track and field.
Kindness Ambassadors (Grade 6)
Our sixth grade students have been entrusted with the privilege of spearheading Kindness. The students are inducted as Kindness Ambassadors in October and work to embody the spirit of kindness and compassion throughout our school. They are leaders of prayer in our Morning Gathering and in Prayer Services throughout the school year.
Peer Mentors (Grade 8)
Mentors are kind, caring, and reliable students who offer role modeling and support to younger students. Being a friendly and positive role model in a mentee’s life can make a big difference in a child’s school experience. This positive difference is felt by all involved, the mentor, the mentee and the school community. The 8th grade peer mentoring program at St. Bernadette School is designed to enable our 8th grade students to assume an active, valued role within our school community.
Prayer Partners
Students in the middle school are paired with students in the primary grades and act as role models in faith formation and service. Prayer partners attend school mass together and participate in service oriented activities as well as school wide special events including our Walk-a-Thon. Children develop deep bonds with each other which helps cultivate the family atmosphere at St Bernadette School.
Reading Olympics
Reading Olympics is a middle school reading competition, where students from grades 4-5 and 6-8 work as teams to read books from a provided list. The students meet once a week, starting in October during lunch recess, to discuss the books and practice for the competition. In the Spring, the teams compete against other schools on their knowledge of the books. Every team is awarded ribbons based on the number of questions they answer correctly. The competition helps to further encourage a love of reading, while working in a competitive team setting.
Religion Bee (Grades 5-8)
The Religion Bee is open to students in grades 5-8 who attend one of the 102 Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Elementary School and the private schools who work with the Archdiocese. Students will study questions and answers in religion class throughout the school year. Students will participate in a classroom religion bee and the winners of the bee will advance to the school bee in January. The winner of the school bee will advance to the Preliminary Round ot the Archdiocesan Bee in February.
School Newspaper (Grades 5-8)
The Newspaper Club is a student-run publication consisting of articles and interviews written by students in grades 5 through 8. The club meets twice a month to collaborate, research, and edit finished work. The Paw Print is published twice a school year and distributed school-wide. To review all past issues of The Paw Print, please click on the link below!
Science Explorers (Grades 1-5)
Science Explorers is an after school interactive program that brings the wonders of science to students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Students discover the steps of the scientific method and collaborate with other students through hands on experiments and problem solving.
Service Club
Service Club is open to students in Grades 5 through 8. Under the direction of parent and teacher volunteers, student reach out to those in need by making cards, crafts, cookies and home made items.
Spelling Bee (Grades 4-8)
Students in grades 4 through 8 will study spelling words and their definitions from lists provided by the Scripp's National Spelling Bee in their ELA classes. They will compete in a classroom bee and the winners will then advance to the school bee in January .The top two winners will go on to compete at the regional level in February.
S.T.R.E.A.M. Challenge
STREAM educates students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, religion, engineering, art, and mathematics. Rather than teach the these disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STREAM integrates them into cohesive learning based on real-world situations. Here at St. Bernadette School, we use STEM education throughout our grades--beginning in preschool through eighth grade. The last four years, our 4th and 5th grade classes have participated in the STREAM Design Challenge sponsored by the Delaware County Intermediate Unit. Students are given a challenge, such as to designing a building that is 1 meter tall and is eco-friendly, using K'nex building sets. STREAM encourages teamwork and higher level thinking skills which will help students throughout their educational journey.
Student Council (grades 5-8)
The students and teachers of St. Bernadette School are committed to a student government that will help teach, develop and inspire strong leadership skills, character and self confidence. It is a privilege to be a part of Student Council at St. Bernadette as it comes with great responsibility to represent and serve others. The Student Council consists of the following elected members an Executive Committee of President, Vice President, Secretary,Treasurer and two homeroom elected from each grade 5th, 6th, 7th& 8th.