There are several different forums that are used to effectively communicate happenings at school to our parents. WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE PARENTS/GUARDIANS TO VISIT THIS WEBSITE DAILY FOR UPDATES AND IMPORTANT, TIMELY INFORMATION.
Updates – An email through the Option C email communication system is sent to each family with timely updates from the principal.
The Parent Resources subpages on this website are excellent resources for timely information, forms, calendar, and classroom updates.
Email System – Each teacher has an email address that will be checked before and after instructional hours of the standard school day. Families can expect a response to all emails within 24 hours. if you must relay a messaeg during instructional hours please contact the school office.
Teacher’s Web Pages – These pages have daily homework assignments, class calendars, photographs, and other class news. While this information will be available on the website, students are still responsible for any assignments or directions given in class.
Grading – Parents and students will be able to view grades on Option C. User ID’s and passwords will be distributed at the beginning of the year. For security, passwords may not be changed and you will have up to three tries to enter your password.